Thank you for participating in our publisher training email series.
At this point, you should have the necessary groundwork to start promoting your favorite brands. Below, we are taking your knowledge to the next level with some of our additional promotional tools. Each one of these will give you an unique way to showcase your favorite merchants' products. Let's take a look!
Make-A-Page Find and curate relevant products and turn any page into an ecommerce experience! Choose from two different fun and unique display options.
Product Showcase Create a dynamic widget-like banner that highlights a selection of Merchant products (curataed by keyword or category) that rotates upon each page refresh.
Try out some of our advanced tools to feature products in a creative that goes beyond the standard banner or text link. Both our Make-A-Page and Product Showcase give Affiliates the ability to fully customize a 'Shop' page or have a creative that auto-populates products based on keyword or category. Both tools can be a great way to increase your affiliate marketing earning potential.